Importing table data

Data that has been created in another application (such as Microsoft Excel) and saved in a delimited format (separated by tabs, commas, colons, semicolons, or other delimiters) can be imported into Dreamweaver and reformatted as a table.

To import table data:

1 Do one of the following:
Choose File > Import > Import Table Data.
Choose Insert > Tabular Data.
The Import Table Data or Insert Tabular Data dialog box appears, depending on your selection. Aside from their titles, these dialog boxes are identical.
2 In the Data File field, enter the name of the file to import.
3 From the Delimiter pop-up menu, select the delimiter format that matches the format of the document you're importing.
If you select Other, a field appears to the right of the pop-up menu. Enter the delimiter that was used to separate the table data.
Note: If you do not select (or specify) the delimiter used when the file was saved, the file will not import properly, and your data will not be correctly formatted in a table. No error or warning message displays to alert that there is a problem.
4 For Table Width, select one of the following options:
Select Fit to Data to create a table that adjusts to the longest text string in each table column.
Select Set to specify a table width as a percentage of the browser window or as a number of pixels.
5 Select table formatting options:
In the Cell Padding field, specify the number of pixels between the cell content and the cell boundary (or wall).
In the Cell Spacing field, specify the number of pixels between each table cell.
In the Format Top Row field, select from four formatting options: no formatting, bold, italic, or bold italic.
In the Border field, specify the pixel width of the table border. Enter 0 if you don't want a border.
6 Click OK.